Publish date: 3rd July 2018
He is asking for the Government to commit to establishing and funding a programme to take over when Transforming Care ends in March 2019. Transforming Care has not fulfilled the vision to move away from care in institutions to people living good lives in their own communities. We are continuing to see stories of the neglect and abuse of people with learning disabilities. People with learning disabilities are still being held in Assessment & Treatment Units (ATUs).
The motion is "That this House expresses concern at the slow progress made under the Transforming Care programme, which was set up to improve the quality of care and quality of life for children and adults with a learning disability and/or autism who display behaviours that challenge; notes that evidence continues to emerge of the neglect, abuse, poor care, and premature deaths of people with learning disabilities; recognises that a substantial number of people with learning disabilities remain trapped in, and continue to be inappropriately admitted to, Assessment and Treatment Units (ATUs) rather than living independently with support close to their families and friends; is concerned at the lack of capacity and capability of community services, as highlighted by the National Audit Office; believes that the Transforming Care programme is unlikely to realise the ambitions set out in the ‘Building the Right Support’ strategy before it ends in March 2019; calls on the Government to commit to a successor programme to Transforming Care in order to realise the ambition of a shift away from institutional care by investing in community services across education, health and social care; believes that such services must adopt a lifelong, early intervention and prevention approach, protect the human rights of children and adults with learning disabilities and/or autism, and promote their independence and wellbeing through delivery of the right support, in the right place, at the right time; and further calls on the Government to ensure that such a programme is prioritised and properly resourced."
Please contact your MP as a matter of urgency BEFORE July 5th to ask them to support this motion!
We were delighted to have recently been invited to co-host a webinar with The NSG about home ownership for people with disabilities and we were privileged to have been joined by the parents of two of our happy home owners too.
We were delighted to have been contacted by the BBC recently for our thoughts about the affordable homes funding 'top up' of £500million.
We are delighted to be featured in the February/March issue of First Time Buyer Magazine.