16th February 2022 Resource For Thought
Learning Disability Today has just published a great article about a range of housing related resources collated by the Local Government Association (LGA).
28th July 2021 MySafeHome makes the papers!
We were delighted to see that MySafeHome has been mentioned in one of the Government's National Disability Strategy papers.
24th May 2021 Winterbourne View 10th Anniversary
Monday May 31st is the tenth anniversary of the BBC Panorama programme that exposed the horrific abuse taking place at Winterbourne View.
22nd March 2021 Guide and seek
Learning Disability England and Housing LIN are writing two guides for NHS England to help people with disabilities to find the right home and they are seeking success stories.
12th October 2020 Out of hospital for more than a year?
Have you, or someone you know, built a new life in the community after being kept in hospital for a long time?
21st July 2020 £62 million Discharge Funding Announced
The Government has just announced funding of £62 million to help move people from hospital settings back into their local community.
8th June 2020 Write2yourMP about Right2Home!
Right2Home would like you to write to your MP to call for more to be done to move people with Learning Disabilities and Autism out of mental health hospitals and back into their community.
18th May 2020 Stay safe, busy and informed!
Remember that Learning Disability England has a range of FREE resources online to help keep you safe, busy and informed during 'lockdown'.