Publish date: 23rd April 2012
It is amazing how many of our buyers originally found out about us from someone we had already helped.
The more that people share their story, the more people we’re able to help. It really is as simple as that. So this is a big thank you to all those who have already helped to spread the word so far and a big plea to encourage everyone to keep up the great work. Home ownership might not be for everyone, but everyone deserves to know about the opportunity!
If you know someone who might like to buy a home of their own let us know at or call us on 08000 121333
Wishing all of our home owners and supporters a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
In January 2024 our Managing Director, David Abbey, was delighted to have been invited to participate in a Homes England discussion panel.
Wishing all of our home owners and supporters a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!