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Got a question? The chances are that we've got the answer right here.

If you still need some friendly advice though feel free to get in touch by e-mailing or calling us on 02476 402211.

Q - Can you visit us to do a presentation?

A - Yes, we will visit people who have passed the initial assessment to explain the scheme in more detail before they proceed to find a property.

Q - Can we get a mortgage to extend our property so that our son/daughter can continue to live with us?

A - No, the applicant needs to be MOVING to a property that's better suited to their needs.

Q - How long will the process take?

A - Each case will be different, but the process generally takes several months to complete from start to finish.

Q - I live in Scotland/Ireland. Can you help me get a mortgage?

A - No, we only work in England and Wales. If you're in Scotland you can contact Ownership Options on 0131 661 3400 or e-mail them at

Q - I have four children, one of them has a disability, can you re-house us all?

A - No, the scheme's only for people with disabilities and support needs and they need to be over 18. Only one extra bedroom can be considered for a carer.

Q - I'm an appointee for the applicant. Can I sign the paperwork for the house purchase/mortgage application for the applicant or do we need to “appoint a deputy” via the Court of Protection/Guardianship office?

A - You'll need to be appointed as a Deputy.

Q - I've approached a Housing Association and they've turned down my application for shared ownership because I don't have a job/earnings, can you help?

A - Yes, if you refer the Housing Association to our website they can then contact us for further clarification.

Q - The house I live in is fine except I want to own my own property (for better security). Can shared ownership work for me?

A - No, you need to be MOVING to a property better suited to your needs.

Q - I'm renting my property from a private landlord/local authority can you organise a mortgage for me to buy this property?

A - No, you need to be MOVING to a property better suited to your needs.

Q - Is there a way to transform my current home into a shared ownership property?

A - No, you need to be MOVING to a property better suited to your needs.

Q - Can this work for people with high support needs?

A - Yes. We've already helped people with profound and complex needs

Q - What are the interest rates for the mortgages?

A -1.5% above the SMI benefit rate (this is currently 2.09% + 1.5% = 3.59%)

Q - What is the maximum mortgage allowed?

A - Once you've completed one of our Pre Mortgage Application Forms we can let you know how much we may be able to help you to borrow and your maximum property budget (this cannot be guaranteed until your application's been approved by a lender but it will give you a good idea of what may be possible).

Q - What benefits do I need to be on to qualify for the scheme?

A - You need to be on HIGH or MIDDLE RATE CARE DLA or the equivalent Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and one or more of ESA, Universal Credit or Pensions Credit.

Q - Does the applicant need to be able to understand all of the details around home ownership/mortgages?

A - No, but if they don't they'll need to apply to the Court of Protection (COP) to appoint a Deputy to act on their behalf. Given the stricter rules surrounding benefit entitlement we envisage that many applicants will now fall into this category. Naturally we can help with the Court of Protection application process.

Q - How do I apply to the Court of Protection and how long will the process takes?

A -You can make the application on your own or we provide a friendly service to efficiently guide and support you through the process. On average this takes around 22 weeks and, although we can give a provisional mortgage agreement, you cannot actually apply for the mortgage until the Court of Protection arrangement's in place.

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